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The history of our department can be traced back to Teaching and Research Section of Physiology, Hubei Provincial Medical College, which was found in 1947. Former Departmental Chairman/Institute Director includes: Professor Shuozai Zhang (1947~1985), Professor Guilin Zhang (1985-1991), Professor Jinbo Wei (1991~1997) and Current Director is Professor Yu Wan (1997~1998, and 2004~present).
Our Department got the physiology master’s degree granting right in 1978 and doctoral degree granting in 2005. We established the first Hubei provincial excellent teaching labs in university for basic class in 1998. Our department received lots of awards, including 4 Hubei provincial teaching achievement awards, 3 Hubei provincial Scientific and Technological Research Awards, 3 Zhang Xijun Awards of Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences, 2 Hubei provincial excellent master’s dissertation awards and Wuhan University doctoral academic innovation awards, and 2 Wuhan University teaching competition awards. Due to the efforts of all the staffs, our department has gradually established stable developing discipline system and research fields.
Our Department currently has 15 faculties, including five professors, two associate professors (three doctoral supervisors and seven master’s supervisors), four lecturers, two senior experimenters and two experimenters. Professor Zhongmao Guo was recruited as Luojia Chair Professor in 2008, and Professor Qi Wan as Distinguished Professor of Hubei provincial Hundred-Talent Program in 2011. Dr. Changyong Li was awarded Luojia Young Scholar Fellowship in 2012. All the teachers in our department have overseas study experience and 66% of them are younger than 45 years old. We are a young doctoral team and full of passion.
In the last 10 years, our department offers academic credits for students from clinical medicine, stomatology, public health, pharmacy, nursing undergraduate and also for international students. We also supervise graduated students majoring in endocrine physiology, neurophysiology, cardiovascular physiology and etc. Scientific projects are undertaken with funding from a variety of sources, including over 20 national and university undergraduate research and innovation practice projects, 8 provincial/university teaching research programs, 13 from National Natural Science Foundation, 17 from Provincial Natural Science Foundation and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University. More than 200 Research papers were published, 60 of which were published in SCI journals, including Endocrinol., Mol Endocrinol., JBC, Neuropsychopharmacol, J Bone Miner Res, J Cell Sci. and Hepatol.