Bei Cheng, PH.D
E-mail Address:
Office Address: 185# DongHu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, 430071
Associated Professor
Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology
Research interests / Specialties:
Mechanisms of estrogen related with diseases
Education and Training
Ph.D., 2003-2007 Wuhan University, China
Post-doctoral training, 2009-2011 University of Queensland, Australia
Research Description
My research investigate the molecular mechanisms of estrogen related diseases, such as atherosclerosis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Publication list
1. Ying C, Hu W, Cheng B, Zh X, Li S. Neural differentiation of rat adipose-derived stem cells in vitro. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2012; 32(8):1255-1263.
2. Chen JH, Hu WL, Cheng B*. Effects of different ratios of estrogen to androgen on the proliferation and apoptosis of prostatic stromal cells derived from rats. Medical Journal of Wuhan University. 2012; 33(5): 623-626.(corresponding author)
3. Zhou D, Li S, Wang X, Cheng B, Ding X. Estrogen receptor alpha is essential for the proliferation of prostatic smooth muscle cells stimulated by 17β-estradiol and insulin-like growth factor 1.Cell Biochem Funct. 2011; 29(2):120-5.
4. Hu W, Cheng B*, Liu T, Li S, Tian Y. Erectile function restoration after repair of excised cavernous nervers by autologous vein graft in rats. J Sex Med. 2010; 7(10):3365-72. (*co-first author)
5. Cheng B, Song J, Zou Y, Wang Q, Lei Y, Zhu C, Hu C. Responses of vascular smooth muscle cells to estrogen are dependent on balance between ERK and p38 MAPK pathway activities. Int J Cardiol. 2009; 134(3):356-65.
6. Yang Z, Cheng B*, Song J, Wan Y, Wang Q, Cheng BC, Chen XC. Estrogen accelerates G1 to S phase transition and induces a G2/M phase-predominant apoptosis in synthetic vascular smooth muscle cells. Int J Cardiol. 2007; 118: 381-388. (*co-first author)