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Introduction of department of Medical Genetics
The Department of Medical Genetics is a multidisciplinary unit for research, undergraduate and graduate education in the broad areas of Medical Genetics. The department of medical genetics was founded in 2002 in the Wuhan University School of Basic Medical Science. Our department consists of 10 core faculty with a primary appointment in Medical Genetics and includes a Director, Pro. Shan Zhong.
Given a growing appreciation of the foundational sciences as a defining requirement of sound physician practice, especially in an age of genomic medicine, our education mission for undergraduate students is to provide them with an education in Medical Genetics that is based on an understanding of biochemistry, physiology and molecular/cell biology. The featured courses include CMG (The integrated teaching program of Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics in Medicine), Genetics in Medicine, Cell biology and Genomics.
As a graduate student in Medical Genetics at Wuhan University, you will have an exceptional opportunity to engage in graduate studies that provide integrated, cross-disciplinary training in the molecular and cellular aspects of medical genetics,coupled with in-depth research experience. Our programs embrace a broad range of research interests and offer great flexibility in options for study and research, current main research directions within the department include heavy metal caused seminal toxicity, abnormal epigenetic modifications and tumorigenesis, bioinformatics based none-coding RNA analysis in cancer, identification of key factors for sex determination and molecular diagnosis of pedigree. The research programs are designed to enable you to pursue your individual interests while ensuring that you receive rigorous training in areas central to your discipline. The department maintains a robust extramurally supported training environment, including grants from the National Natural science foundation of China and Health and Family Planning Commission of Hubei Province.
In the Medical Genetics cluster, the faculty research labs comprise an innovative and dynamic research environment. Our significant resources, enabled in part by our association with the Wuhan University Medical Research Center for Structural Biology, assure access to the broad range of instruments used in modern Medical\biological research. For example, we have core facilities for bionformatic analysis, peptide analysis, protein purification, biophysical analysis, animal research and confocal, electron ,and super-resolution microscopy. Shared research facilities are readily available for computer graphics, protein and nucleic acid chemistry, fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Cluster-wide seminars, colloquia, journal clubs, provide numerous opportunities for hearing about the latest research in Medical Genetics, for students to present their own work, and for developing broad interactions and collaborations among students and faculty. Please see our faculty introductions for more detail about their research interest, grants and publications.